Are We Prepared?Ninety-three percent (93%) of people living in urban areas are not ready for an emergency that goes beyond 72 hours. Are you prepared if disaster strikes? Our Readiness Action Plan (RAP) is designed to help you crisis-proof your life now to avoid panic later. Staying Alive – How to Survive a Natural Disaster or Pandemic is a 3-step urban survival guide that is essential for every household. It contains 12 pages that could save your life.
Download your FREE copy below.

Staying Alive
How to Survive a Natural Disaster or Pandemic
The Next Emergency – Are You Prepared?
Extreme climate events are happening all over the world. According to the U.N., last year “Sixty-two million people were hit by extreme weather disasters fueled by climate change”. Pandemics, probably the most dangerous threat, are becoming more frequent and more...
Dr. Blair Feltmate Talks Climate Change
Blair Feltmate, one of Canada’s foremost climate scientists and Head of the Intact Center on Climate Adaptation (ICCA) was a guest on CBC’s Maritime Noon on July 26, 2018. He shared some very interesting information. The world has warmed about +1 Celsius over the past...
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